A presentation at DeliveryConf 2019 in January 2020 in Seattle, WA, USA by Laura Santamaria
@nimbinatus | #DeliveryConf Laura Santamaria Developer Advocate LogDNA LEGACY IS A FRAME OF MIND
@nimbinatus | #DeliveryConf Unmaintained WHAT IS LEGACY Outdated Unstable? Lost Old Hidden
@nimbinatus | #DeliveryConf DECONST
@nimbinatus | #DeliveryConf THE FIRST TIME IT BROKE Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash
@nimbinatus | #DeliveryConf THE FIRST TIME WE DEPLOYED CHANGES Photo by Michelle Tresemer on Unsplash
@nimbinatus | #DeliveryConf IT GOT EASIER… …OR I JUST GOT USED TO IT BREAKING Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash
@nimbinatus | #DeliveryConf GOOD IDEAS Photo by Callum Shaw on Unsplash
@nimbinatus | #DeliveryConf MAKE A MAP
@nimbinatus | #DeliveryConf CHECK ANYTHING WRITTEN DOWN
@nimbinatus | #DeliveryConf BUILD A SAMPLE PIPELINE… …THEN KNOCK IT OVER Photo by Marco Lermer on Unsplash
@nimbinatus | #DeliveryConf FIND DEPENDENCIES
@nimbinatus | #DeliveryConf PRIORITIZE STABILITY
@nimbinatus | #DeliveryConf IS MODERNIZING WORTH IT?
@nimbinatus | #DeliveryConf ADD COMPONENTS CAREFULLY
@nimbinatus | #DeliveryConf THINK ABOUT YOUR TOOLS
@nimbinatus | #DeliveryConf
Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash @nimbinatus | #DeliveryConf IN THE END, LEGACY IS JUST A LABEL. (Thanks) https://nimbinatus.com